Friday, March 28, 2014

Good Afternoon!

This week has been a good week.

CampLIFE is in full swing and counting down the days til the first day!! June 2nd will be the first day of CampLIFE 2014!!! Oh my goodness, so exciting.

I bet you are wondering what is CampLIFE? Well since you asked  click here CampLIFE 2014
for tons of more info!

The great thing about my job is that I am helping to make an impact on children's live across the ocean. Give them hope and love.

As stated in my previous post I am working at Family Legacy Missions International. I believe that I have found my calling.

If you would like my newsletter email me at

Have a great and blessed weekend!!

Love and Blessings,


Friday, March 21, 2014

DBU and Family Legacy

Hello Everyone!!!

It has been a long time!

Over the last six months our family has had great blessings and changes! After years of thinking about going back to school I took that huge leap. In August 2013 I started at Dallas Baptist University majoring in Sociology (and thinking of getting a minor in Spanish, but still undecided!). Soon after school started back for the girls(and me!),  I felt lead to seek a different career path. I loved my job working and playing with kids but something was missing. All I knew at the time was that I wanted to still to have an impact on the lives of children and women. I was looking for a career that would help in my studies and that I would then use after graduation. I started looking at the Non-Profits around Dallas that worked with women, children and families. I went on several interviews thinking this is the one! But then I would not here back from them. I started to feel discouraged as I knew I was being called to something more than my little 15 square mile radius.

Then one Sunday Morning in October I was sitting in Sunday School at VRBC (Valley Ranch Baptist Church) and we were going over the church announcements and The Missions Fair was going to be in the downstairs lobby the next Sunday and over the course of the week. I went an looked around and it was great. So many missionaries going and doing great works all over the world.  The Next Sunday during our prayer time we lifted up the Hughey Family, as our Sunday School supports the Hughey with prayer and donations, monetary and items to send to Zambia where they are living and serving orphaned and vulnerable children in Lusaka, Zambia. I got to looking at their poster from the Missions Fair. I went home that afternoon and got on line and researched the organization that the Hughey Family was working with: Family Legacy Missions International.

As I was checking out the work that Family Legacy does I clicked on their Join Our Team. Well I was happily surprised that they were hiring for a Receptionist/Office Manager. I thought about it a few minutes and decided that I was going to apply. I emailed Family Legacy and they emailed me back an application back and I filled it out as fast as possible! I even hand delivered it to the office in Irving, which was only a 10 minute drive!! A few days later I had a phone interview and scheduled a formal interview. I was soooooooooo excited and nervous. What was even better was the interview was the day before my birthday! So you know this has to be a great day!!!

As I get there I am NERVOUS!!! I pray that God's will be done. The first round was nice and casual. The second round with a Vice President and CFO/COO was kinda scary! I felt confident and at peace. After the interview I knew where God was taking me.....The next day, my 34th Birthday, I received a call from the CFO/COO with the job offer. And of course I said YES!!!!!!!!!

I have now been there for 5 months and love every minute of it. You probably thinking how satisfying is it to answer phones and greet guest..... Well it is very rewarding in that I am helping every department with everyday task. I update mailing addresses so that we can send out precious letters from a child in Zambia to their sponsor here in the US. Process clothing donation to help give the children clothes and shoes. Receive shipments of all kinds, to send to an american working in Zambia or items to furnish a beautiful home for 10-12 kids to live in, that have never lived in or seen a home. Talk to all kinds of people that want to go or help send an american to Zambia to love on a group of sweet kids. I GET TO SERVE IN A WONDERFUL WAY.

Wondering why I am explaining all this!  Well great question! Family Legacy is a Non Profit Orginzation in that 95% of all donations goes directly to serving the children. All staff members raise their own salaries. I am asking for you and your family to prayerfully consider to become a monthly, quarterly, or yearly supporter.

If you would like more information about Family Legacy I would be happy to send you my Newsletter.

Please email me at with any questions.

I will keep you posted on my journey!!!

Be Blessed!!


Thursday, January 12, 2012


I know it has been a while since my last blog!

This year has gotten off to a great start!

I think the craft bug has bitten me because I have soooooo many cute and fun things that I would love to do for our home and as gifts! My first craft idea and challenge was to create a fun and pretty way to display the girls chore list. Ysabella keeps asking when is she going to get paid for cleaning the kitchen once about 4 months ago! I tell her when she does her chores everyday and on a consistent basis then we will see about "payment"!

So I found a cool way to keep the chore list in a pretty and decorative way on Pinterest - "The Weekly Calendars"...........I had every intention of doing that, but then I realized I had some smaller picture magnet frames......

......So I got a little creative! I got out my scrapbooking paper, hot glue gun & glue, some ribbon and letter stickers!!

I did one for each of my girls! I used prints and solids and mixed and matched!

Now they will know what is to be done each day and I can switch the chores between the girls to keep things interesting! And it is a cute and decorative way to keep them reminded of their daily chores!!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Results of Tax Free Weekend

So Friday I blogged that I was going out and do a little shopping during Tax Free Weekend.

We had a successful trip and found shoes for Gabi and Vivianna. Ysabella we are still looking for, she has a pair of mine that she fits into (10 1/2 and she wears a 7 1/2 in womens!) The crowds were not out yet!!

So we get the girls shoes and I go into work and Pete picks them up and when he gets home Gabi show him her new shoes. Pete realizes as she is starting to try them on for him that we came home with 2 right feet! He calls me while I am still at work and informs me. I think "GREAT, I am going to have to return them tomorrow when the crowds are out in full force!"

I get up this morning(Saturday) and Gabi and I go and exchange one of the right foot for a left foot! We get there and they have the left foot and we are now set for Monday!

We were very lucky and missed the crowds both days!!

Hope everybody has a great First Day of School!!

Friday, August 19, 2011

Tax Free Weekend!!

I am going to venture out today and try to finish up the School Supplies and see about getting shoes for the girl!!

I will let you know of what I find!!

Wishing for Cooler Weather!!

I changed my background to Fall/Pumpkin's because I am hoping and praying for cooler weather!! With school starting on Monday I would like for the temperatures to drop 10, 15, 20 degrees cooler!

I remember when school started after a couple of weeks you had to start wearing jean jackets or sweaters in the morning and evenings but during the day it was perfect, not too hot, not too cold! And the Great State Fair of Texas is coming in September!!

OH how I LOVE the fall!!

See y'all around!!

Little Miss Gabi!!

So two (2) weeks ago Little Miss Gabi shut the car door on her thumb while we were at Sonic waiting for our order to be delivered! I thought that it was bruised and a small cut was all that she had done to it! But oh no the crying and pain that she looked like she was in told me maybe not, I have never had a broken bone before (knock on wood!) so I thought I should have Pete look at it! Luckily he was already on his way home!!! Thank Goodness!!! I was heading into work when we stopped at Sonic(needed some happy hour drinks to keep us cool from the crazy Texas heat!). So I went into work and had 2 other employees look at it to see if it was broken! They both told me they were pretty sure it was! So Pete came and got her and took her to Las Colinas Medical Center ER, while Ysabella and Vivianna stayed with me at work!! This is what it looked like when she got to the ER with Pete!!

An hour later Gabi walks back into Kiddin' Around with a splint on her thumb and telling everyone she has a "fractured thumb" in a very grown up voice! Since this happened Friday late afternoon we had to wait to see the Orthopedic Dr.!!! She kept asking the whole weekend "Am I getting my cast on Monday!?" Yes Gabi you will get it on Monday!

Monday morning comes and we call the orthopedic that the ER gave us and they can't fit her until Tuesday! She is so not having that, so I call Children's Orthopedic Clinic in Dallas and they can get her in at 1:15 pm and the hand specialist are only there on I take the appointment and we get ready and head to Dallas!

When we get there they get us checked in very quickly and Gabi is getting anxious. They take the splint off and get her into x-rays(again) and the Dr. doesn't keep us waiting too long and they come in and says that she will get a cast on and will keep it on for 4 weeks!
We wait a few more minutes and the cast man calls her back and she picks out a purple one and the get started. With in 15 minutes we are walking out and headed to Gran's house(Gabi was

suppose to go on Sunday for a few days). She was very please and couldn't wait for people to sign it!!

Here are a few pics from the cast being put on and afterwards!! Enjoy!!

P.S. It really hurts when she swings her arm around and hits you (either on accident or on purpose!)!!